Lewis Hamilton faces Monaco ban

May 27, 2022

Lewis Hamilton faces Monaco ban Image

Seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton may be banned from racing in the Monaco Grand Prix this weekend as the stand-off over wearing jewellery and face piercing continues.

Earlier this season, the FIA decided to enforce a long-standing but seldom observed rule. They insisted that that it was there for safety reasons, and the wearing of such adornments during a race could impede the work of medical personnel in the event of a serious crash. It was seen by some as a direct attack on Hamilton, who wears ear piercings, bracelets and an ear stud through his nose, and insists that these are a means of expressing his character.

He has also insisted that while he can take off the earrings and bracelets, it will require surgical intervention to take the nose stud out. Hamilton, 37, was given a grace period of two races to remove the stud. That has now expired, but he was still wearing it when he turned up in the paddock on Thursday.

The crunch time will come ahead of first practice on Friday. In order to participate in the session, teams are required to complete a self-scrutineering form, declaring themselves in compliance with the rules. If Hamilton’s Mercedes team fails to make the declaration, his car will theoretically not be allowed to leave the pit lane. It would then be left to the stewards for adjudication.

Banning Hamilton will be a hugely controversial move and may drive a further wedge between Mercedes and the sport’s governing body. After the bitter row following the way the 2021 Championship was decided at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Hamilton had seriously considered walking away from the sport, and was only persuaded to return if the FIA acted on the results of an investigation as to what happened at the end of that race.

This season has not been his best in the sport because the Mercedes has been uncompetitive. They have struggled with the new regulations that have been introduced. Now, with what he views as a direct attack on his individuality thrown into the bargain, he may soon decide it is time to step away.