Indian wicketkeeper-batter Rishabh Pant gave an update on his recovery journey by sharing a video on Wednesday, showcasing his progress by climbing stairs without any support. Currently undergoing rehabilitation at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru, Pant captioned the Instagram post with, "Not bad yaar Rishabh. Simple things can be difficult sometimes."
The video depicted Pant's initial struggle while climbing stairs with the support of railings, followed by a confident and fearless version of himself climbing the stairs unaided. He also shared a video on his Instagram story, demonstrating his right leg movement exercises with the help of a wooden stick, occasionally displaying signs of pain due to his right knee injury.
Pant's IPL franchise, the Delhi Capitals, encouraged him to keep going, while his sister Sakshi Pant referred to him as "My star." India women's all-rounder Harleen Deol added a touch of humor, writing, "Well done boy, keep your bhangra performance ready."
Former Australian opener Matthew Hayden also extended his support, saying, "Keep going brother."
Pant had previously posted a video on May 5, discarding his crutches and walking unassisted, marking a significant milestone in his recovery journey.
In December 2022, Pant miraculously survived a horrific car accident on the Delhi-Dehradun highway, sustaining injuries including a right knee ligament tear, cuts on his forehead, and injuries to his wrist, ankle, toe, and back. He underwent successful surgery and has been sharing updates on his progress ever since.
Pant's last appearance in international cricket was during India's 2-0 Test series win over Bangladesh in December 2022, where he played a crucial role, scoring 93 runs in the first innings of the second Test.